Fortunately there was a heap of high cliffs that I could take to in close proximity to each other, so I’ll just avoid the one I fell through and everything will be okay, right? Wrong! It seems as though four out of five of these cliff tops either has you falling through the map or you’ll oddly sink into the ground and get stuck, with nothing to keep you company but the view of the map’s bedrock.

That’s fine, occasional issues like this are to be expected when it comes to open world games. I made my way up a cliff-side and perched myself on top, moments later I fell through the map. I needed a vantage point, somewhere way up high that I could lay down and patiently wait for a deer to casually stumble into my scope’s crosshair. I spent the next hour trying to sneak up on one of those deers, but for every bush I stroked or twig I stood on, the deer was alerted and ran away as fast as its legs could carry it. I witnessed several deers gallivanting in every direction that wasn’t towards my location. The loud thumping sound of this shot echoed for what felt like an eternity, and as you may have guessed, wildlife scattered from my nearby position. I didn’t even lay down, I aimed my sniper rifle and I took the shot. I immediately stumbled upon a bear that was stood on its hind legs with its back to me, a very easy kill to claim to say the least. It’s right here where the aforementioned issues began to persist.
When you’re done there you’re pretty much free to go and do as you please. You start out in a small enclosed area as someone on the comms is guiding you through the initial phases of play, which serves as a tutorial to feed you the basics of the game. I began my experience on the Layton Lake District reserve, and within moments of play I had already identified several bugs (not your garden variety kind) that hindered the game. I hate to start out a review with such negativity, but outside of the vast, varying and somewhat well detailed environments, the wildlife will often be the least of your concern. The reserves are based in Europe – Hirschfelden, the other is Pacific Northwest – Layton Lake District. The game plays out in a first person perspective in which you’re dropped off on one of two huge open world reserves that you get to select from the main menu. It truly is an authentic take on real-life hunting, meaning that if you ever had a problem taking down a deer and skinning it in Red Dead Redemption, theHunter: Call of the Wild probably isn’t for you. theHunter: Call of the Wild requires time, perseverance and skill, and there’s no middle ground within that will hold your hand as you journey through this recreation of the activity it adopts.

Before we even get started let me say that this activity isn’t for the faint of heart, nor is it for those that lack a great deal of patience. The game is described as the most immersive hunting experience ever created, allowing players to take to an open world that’s teeming with life. And if you feel like it’s time for a change, you can freely remove, replace and reposition your trophies.TheHunter: Call of the Wild is the first game if its kind that I’ve played so there’s very little that I can compare this to. Either method comes with several poses, allowing you to create the ultimate compositions in each room.
If you want to theme your layouts without tearing down your existing decorations, you can create a duplicate of any owned lodge and showcase a completely different animal selection!Ĭhoose how you wish to present your trophies: mount them on a plaque or position them on platforms as full body mounts around the lodge - creating the perfect centerpiece. Invite your friends to your lodge at any time and share your evolving collection. In your very own Trophy Lodge, you will be able to decorate the walls and rooms with your prized kills, creating a visual representation and journey of your best hunting moments. Tracking down that elusive quarry has never felt more satisfying as you can finally give your trophies the presentations they deserve. So come on in, feel the Persian rugs under your feet and drink in the quiet, nostalgic feel of this lovely country home. Rustic, yet classically furnished, and sporting two floors for you to decorate. With its exquisite wooden interior, the Spring Creek Manor is the Trophy Lodge of your dreams. This spacious British mansion from the 1800s is the perfect location to showcase your favorite trophies. Spring Creek Manor is perfect as a Trophy Lodge, so show off your prized harvests in a true rustic style. Every experienced hunter ends up amassing a sizable trophy collection that deserves to be presented in an appropriate fashion.